The Worst Kind of Vegetarianism?: Bishop Radbod (Nov 29)

Radbod had quite a 900! That year, he went from being, by his own admission, a miserable sinner and was welcomed into the company of ministers then serving Utrecht–an area that is now part of the Netherlands–and, before year’s end, Radbod “was unanimously chosen bishop of that church”!

Not only that, but, as Butler reports:

After he (Radbod) received the episcopal consecration, he never tasted any flesh meat, often fasted two or three together, and allowed himself only the coarsest and most insipid fare.

So within one year, Radbod went from sinner to vegetarian, by way of becoming a bishop!

Yet as I read this, all I can think of (in addition to the contrast with the party-goer Jesus) when I read that Rambod limited his food to “the coarsest and most insipid fare” are the words of the Psalmist: “O taste and see that the Lord is good!” (34:8). And I ask: What is the value in forgoing the texture and taste and delight of food?! I mean, if you’re going to give up eating meat, why not at least enjoy juicy peaches, savory olives, green onions, sautéed mushrooms, and more?!


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