Race to the Bottom: Fox & Friends–Enemies to Humanity (June 22)

Shoving Sarah Huckabee Sanders aside (see blog post from June 5 for SHS’s bid to take the title), these people, whose names need to be listed–Brian Kilmeade and Ainely Earhardt and Steve Doocey–are calmly explaining that the POTUS is facing a difficult problem in the most humane and politically astute/necessary way possible, and that the POTUS is open to any better solutions, etc., etc., and then our Mr. Kilmeade let’s drop the following words that I cannot possibly do justice to by paraphrasing:

And these are not — like it or not, these aren’t our kids. Show them compassion, but it’s not like he [Trump] is doing this to the people of Idaho or Texas. These are people from another country and now people are saying that they’re more important than people in our country who are paying taxes and who have needs as well.

OMG: so many many wretched things are on full display here. But, hey, watch it for yourself!




First reveal: The conviction that the children at our border are lesser.

Second reveal: The recognition that he (POTUS) is doing something to these children he would never do the children in at least two red states.

Third reveal: The lie that any of these people are in fact concerned about (let alone are aware of or could locate on a map) children in Madison County, Idaho, or Starr County, Texas (the poorest county of each of the named states).

Fourth reveal: That anyone is saying that people (note the change away from a focus on children) at the border matter more than American citizens who pay taxes (ignoring that undocumented persons pay taxes and don’t get to recoup refunds, but that’s another conversation). I’ve frankly not heard anyone say that–not once. And I’m connected to the mainstream media and liberal newsfeeds and people much, much further to the left than I am on the political spectrum. Not a single one of them has said this. BUT people (myself among them) are definitely stating that children are neither more nor less important as human beings based upon where they are born.

Fifth reveal: Their remarks, as is so often the case, are utterly ahistorical. Tell me: Where did the children who have ever lived in America come from in the first place?

Now you might ask, “How do these people beat out the likes of POTUS?” They are using their media presence to justify the unjustifiable, cementing that which is wretched, and offering smug patriotism to all who agree with them in the process.

OK, I totally assume that these three will be supplanted soon, but, for now–these Vulpines & Their Associates currently lead in the Race to the Bottom!

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